← Cooks
Cuisinier (travaillant seul)
needed for this job
You have at least 18 years old and you have professional competences in the sector but you have no certification.
You may go to a Center of Validation of Competences (CVDC) where after an information session you may pass a validation test evaluate by professionnal of the sector in order to get a competences title recognize by the Wallon Region, French Communauty and the French Communauty of the Brussels Capital Region.
For more information you have the website: www.validationdescompetences.be and a youtube presentation explaining the process to follow for the validation of prior learning
ID card/passeport
Document presenting the experience acquired previously and the duration of the experience
if available, certificates of the training courses followed and diplomas obtain previously
If the beneficiary doesn’t have the competences required to follow the training of cooker by Horeca BE PRO . The beneficiary will be orientate to a vocational training center (Atelier de formation par le Travail - AFT) which propose training for Cooker help for unemployed adults since minimum 12 months or who are beneficiary of social support from CPAS (public centre of social help).
Once the training with the AFT is completed, the beneficiary now has the competences to register with the Cooker training by Horeca BE Pro.
Horeca BE Pro
Rue de l'Agrafe , 70
1070 Brussels