Diplomirani organizator poslovanja v hotelirstvu in turizmu (vs)/diplomirana organizatorka poslovanja v hotelirstvu in turizmu (vs)

Certification authority: 
Visoka šola za hotelirstvo in turizem Bled
EQF Level of the qualification: 
European Credit Transfer Scale (ECTS): 
SI Slovenia
Evaluate the core competences
needed for this job
Core competences 
(general competences).
Solve complex technical work tasks and problems on the basis of acquired expertise.
Responsibly, independently and critically assess, make decisions and manage.
Understand and apply economic and legal knowledge and the principles of corporate operations.
Manage projects.
Develop moral values, self-initiative and a positive attitude regarding diversity.
Work in a group, manage teams and resolve conflicts.
Understand the role and specifics of the food services and tourism sectors, and master horizontal and vertical value-added chains in the food.
Services and tourism sectors.
Stage events and understand protocol.
Recognise the characteristics of the range of tourism services at the national and local levels, and recognise those responsible for the development.
Of tourism and their organisational structure, and.
Master communication skills in the international environment.
How can the certification be obtained? 
Continuous training scheme
Is it possible to obtain a partial validation?: 
No ❌