
Certification authority: 
Vocational and technical secondary schools and adult education institutions.
EQF Level of the qualification: 
European Credit Transfer Scale (ECTS): 
SI Slovenia
Evaluate the core competences
needed for this job
Core competences 
Monitor the competition and what it is offering.
Arrange a sales room and display.
Plan and implement sales promotions.
Estimate future demand.
Formulate sales prices depending on the quality of the product and what the competition is offering.
Perform high-quality implementation of the sales process.
Assess buyer desires and needs.
Respond appropriately with reasoning to buyer questions.
Advise buyers.
Resolve buyer complaints and returns on an ongoing basis.
Apply various communication techniques and approaches.
Work with buyers honestly and ethically.
Assess quality on the basis of knowledge and experience.
Work independently and in a team.
Communicate basically in a foreign language.
Elective: work with foodstuffs, work with technical goods, work with textiles and chemist’s products.
How can the certification be obtained? 
Initial training scheme (pupil or student)
Is it possible to obtain a partial validation?: 
No ❌